Belarusians Abroad
According to the latest information of the United Nations, in 2020, 1 million 483 thousand 626 Belarusians lived outside Belarus.
Belarusians abroad are united in over 200 organisations. Their main goal is to preserve and promote Belarusian culture, history and language, and participate in business projects.
Due to historically conditioned migration flows of the XIX-XX centuries , the Belarusian diaspora is most represented in neighbouring states such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel, Canada. Belarusians abroad also live in such countries as Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Cuba, Czechia, France, Switzerland, the U.S., Uzbekistan.
The concept of "Belarusians abroad" and the state policy in the field of relations with Belarusians abroad are enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 16, 2014. "On Belarusians Abroad".
In September 2014, the Advisory Council for Belarusians Abroad headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs was established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. The Council is a collegial body whose members agree on joint steps to strengthen the partnership between the state and Belarusians abroad.
On December 13-14, 2023 the eighth meetiing of the Advisory Council for Belarusians Abroad under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus was held in Minsk under the chairmanship of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Aleinik. Participants of the meeting reviewed the results of interaction between the state and the Belarusian diaspora in 2023, the social and political, social and economic situation in the country, as well as discussed plans for further development of cooperation. Representatives of the Belarusian diaspora visited the flagship of the Belarusian agricultural machinery, Minsk Tractor Works, as well as the unique memorial complex Krasny Bereg and the Koziell Poklewski Estate in Gomel region.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the key actor of the subprogramme "Belarusians in the World" of the State Programme "Culture of Belarus" for 2021-2025.
The aim of the subprogramme is to ensure comprehensive interaction of state bodies, public organisations of Belarus with Belarusians abroad and associations of Belarusians abroad, attract the Belarusian diaspora to participate in the social and economic, cultural development of Belarus, preserve and support its national and cultural identity, as well as promote the study of the Belarusian language in foreign countries.
The subprogramme "Belarusians in the World" sponsors a number of activities:
- meetings of the Advisory Council on the Affairs of Belarusians Abroad under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Belarusian foreign missions together with Belarusians abroad hold cultural events;
- a Belarusian Cultural Centre is operating in Poland.
The subprogramme "Belarusians in the World" is an effective tool to support Belarusians abroad and promote a more systematic approach to the development of cooperation with the Belarusian diaspora.