Entry visas. Visa application process
According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Belarus” of January 4, 2010 a foreign citizen may enter the Republic of Belarus, leave the Republic of Belarus and transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus with a foreign travel document [?], if there is a visa of the Republic of Belarus [?], unless otherwise stipulated by the international agreements of the Republic of Belarus or by the decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The rules of issuing visas are stipulated by the Visa regulations of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 15, 2010 No.1065 (the improved edition, approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus as of December 16, 2024 No.953).
The authorities that issue entry visas to the Republic of Belarus are the diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the Foreign Admissions Division of the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in the “National Airport Minsk”.
The consular fee is set by the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus. Special rates for some categories of the foreigners are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
In the Republic of Belarus, the following types of entry visas are provided:
♦ B – transit visa, valid for up to 2 days;
♦ C – short-term visa, valid for up to 90 days;
♦ D – long-term visa, valid for the period exceeding 90 days with the right to stay in the Republic of Belarus up to 90 days, unless otherwise stipulated by the international agreements of the Republic of Belarus..
Entry visas may be single-entry [?], double-entry [?] and multiple-entry [?].
To obtain an entry visa, the following documents should be submitted to an entry visa issuing authority:
♦ one copy of a duly completed visa application form [?];
♦ one photograph (35x45 mm., made not earlier than 6 months prior to submitting, full face, with size of face nearly 70-80 percent of the size of photo);
♦ a foreign travel document [?];
Upon the decision of the consular officer, the mandatory visa support documents requirement may be waived upon issuance:
a short-term entry visa (for a purpose of business, tourism, private affairs or for participation in sport, cultural, scientific, educational activities) for the citizens of the countries with no migration threat, for a period not exceeding 30 days;
a short-term entry visa (for a purpose of business, private affairs or for participation in sport, cultural, scientific, educational activities) for the citizens of the countries with migration threat who have valid multiple-entry EU, or Schengen, or Canada, or UK visas, the validity of which exceeds the expiry date of the requested visa by at least 90 days, when submitting a visa application to a Belarusian foreign diplomatic mission, for a period not exceeding 30 days;
a short-term entry visa (for a purpose of business, private affairs or for participation in sport, cultural, scientific, educational activities) for the citizens of the countries with migration threat who have EU, Schengen, UK residence permit, the validity of which exceeds the expiry date of the requested visa by at least 90 days, when submitting a visa application to a Belarusian foreign diplomatic mission located in such country, for a period not exceeding 30 days.
♦ additional documents required (by request of the consular officer);
♦ medical insurance contract signed with “Belgosstrakh“ or “Beleximgarant“ or medical insurance contract signed with any foreign insurance organization; [?];
♦ a confirmation of the consular fee paid.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not provide any assistance in reviewing and delivering abroad of visa support documents.
Visa application decision is taken 5 working days (as a matter of urgency — within 2 working days) from the date of application. Decision is taken by the consular officer on the basis of the submitted documents and it is final.
The consular officer has the right to reduce the number of entries and the validity of the visa, increase the term of visa processing. The consular officer is not obliged to indicate the reasons for visa denial. In case of visa denial, the consular fee does not reimbursed.
To extend the term of stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, foreigner should contact the local unit of the Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior at the place of ones registration to obtain:
♦ an exit visa;
♦ a residence permit and, if necessary, an exit-entry visa in addition to it.
Foreigners are entitled to travel freely within the territory of the Republic of Belarus except for places, that require a special permit issued by authorized State organs or other organizations of the Republic of Belarus, and facilities that requires a special permit issued by administrations of these facilities. Border zone and Border line are among such places (to prepare visit to such areas, please check the website of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus).
Pecularities of issuance of entry visas at Minsk National Airport
Rules of border crossing for foreign citizens
Customs formalities while entering or leaving Belarus