Pecularities of issuance of entry visas at Minsk National Airport
Visa applications are processed at Minsk National Airport by the Division for the Admission of Foreigners of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DAF).
Visas are issued 24/7.
Visa support documents (an original invitation and its copy) should be submitted to the DAF by an inviting organization/person at least 2 business days before the expected arrival date.
Visa support documents should be submitted to the information desk of the DAF at sector 1/2 of the airport, ground floor, on working days from 11 am to 1 pm, on weekend and holidays the information desk of the DAF is closed.
Visa support documents may be also sent by post (Division for the Admission of Foreigners of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minsk International Airport, 220054 Minsk).
— Attention!
The officer of the DAF marks with a stamp the copy of visa support document. The stamp is a confirmation of the receipt of visa support documents.
The stamp of the DAF on the visa support document is a mandatory requirement of air carriers for the check-in procedure of foreign citizens without valid entry visas of the Republic of Belarus.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to send the copy of visa support document with the stamp of the DAF to the invited foreign citizens (by e-mail, fax, etc.) for its submission to the representative of air carrier at the check-in procedure.
In case of a relative’s death or critical illness, visa support documents may be submitted by the applicant on arrival.
Short-term student visas and group visas may be obtained on arrival only in the presence of a representative of the institution that has issued an invitation.
Foreign citizens arriving on flights from the Russian Federationwill not be able to apply for visas at the DAF. Therefore, they must obtain visas at one of the Embassies or Consulates of the Republic of Belarus prior to their arrival.
Contact phones of the DAF are the following: +375 (17) 279 20 58, +375 (17) 279 28 72.
Consular fees for processing the application of a foreign citizen for obtaining a visa of the Republic of Belarus in the “Minsk” National Airport are available here.
Private or tourist visa applications may be also submitted to “Centrkurort” (Pobediteley Av., 19-30, Minsk; phones: +375 17 226 91 00, +375 29 384 36 08) at least 4 business days before the expected arrival date.
Besides, visa support documents may be submitted to one of the following regional offices of “Centrkurort” at least 7 business days prior to arrival: