Procedure of Accreditation of Foreign Diplomats in the Republic of Belarus
To accredit a newly arrived officer, the Diplomatic Mission, Consulate, Military Attaché Mission or Trade Representation of the foreign state in the Republic of Belarus or representation or body of international organization or interstate entity (hereafter, the Mission) should no later than within three working days after his/her arrival in the Republic of Belarus provide the following documents:
♦ the note of the mission;
♦ the accreditation form, filled in by the foreign citizen, signed and sealed by the Head of the Mission (all the documents should be filled in according to the requirements);
♦ the passport;
♦ the copies of documents, confirming the status of the foreign citizen as a family member of the Head or an officer of the Mission;
♦ two color photos 30x40 mm, corresponding to the age of the foreign citizen (for temporary officers, appointed on the corresponding positions for no longer than one year, and members of their families – one color photo);
♦ the cards, given to the accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officer, who previously occupied the corresponding position in the mission, and to the members of his/her family.
The above documents are considered in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the three day period. Should the accreditation be refused, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the corresponding Mission.
The permanent mission officers are accredited for three years since the documents admission day, if another shorter period isn`t indicated in the corresponding note and the accreditation form. The temporary mission officers and members of their families receive the accreditation for the term, indicated in the note and the accreditation form, but no longer than for one year since the documents admission day.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus accredits no more than three officers of non-resident Embassies, excluding the Heads of the Missions and the members of their families.
The special mark is put in the passport, which confirms the accreditation at the State Protocol Service, and then the passport is returned to the mission.
The officers of the missions accredited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus are given the corresponding cards. The card period of validity can`t exceed the passport period of validity.
The temporary officers and members of their families don`t receive the cards.
The cards are given to:
♦ the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and members of their families on the day of presentation of the copies of Credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus or the Deputy Minister;
♦ the Heads of Consulates and members of their families on the day of presentation of Consular Patent;
♦ other mission officers and members of their families during the ten day period since the documents admission day;
The responsible officer of the State Protocol Service issues the cards daily from 16:00 to 16:30 under the signature of the responsible Mission officer.
The issued cards can be exchanged if:
♦ the accreditation period of validity is expired and needs to be prolonged;
♦ the foreign citizen changes the position in the Mission, or other information in the card isn`t correct;
♦ the card is unsuitable for use.
To change the card the mission provides the State Protocol Service with the following documents:
♦ the note of the mission;
♦ the accreditation form, filled in by the foreign citizen and signed and sealed by the head of the mission;
♦ the passport;
♦ one color photo 30x40 mm, corresponding to the age of the foreign citizen;
♦ the previously issued card.
If the card is to be changed because of the prolongation of the accreditation, the mission provides the State Protocol Service with the above documents not earlier than one month and not later than 3 working days before the expiration of the period of validity.
When the card is changed, it`s given in the term of 10 working days since the documents admission date.
If the card is lost or stolen, the owner should immediately turn to the Internal Affairs Agencies of the Republic of Belarus with the statement about the loss (steal) of the card.
Within three working days, the missions inform by note the State Protocol Service about the circumstances of the loss (steal) of the card.
The note is to be sent together with:
♦ the statement of the owner to the Internal Affairs Agencies,
♦ one color photo 30X40mm, corresponding to the age of the foreign citizen,
♦ accreditation form.
Instead of the lost or stolen card, within 20 calendar days since the day when the above documents reach the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the duplicate of the card is issued.
The duplicates of the cards are issued for the same term as the lost or stolen cards.