State Protocol Service
The State Protocol Service is responsible for the observance of the unified State Protocol of the Republic of Belarus, as well as of the protocol of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.
— ensures the observance of the unified protocol practice in the Republic of Belarus, as well as protects interests of the Republic of Belarus during the visits of the diplomatic corps in the Republic of Belarus;
— participates in the development and implementation of the programs and other protocol and organizational events during foreign trips of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
— performs the protocol organization of working meetings and domestic events attended by the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and representatives of foreign states;
— coordinates with other governmental bodies of the Republic of Belarus the procedure of participation of the diplomatic corps, accredited in the Republic of Belarus, in protocol events with the officials of the Republic of Belarus;
— liaises with the foreign missions of the Republic of Belarus, controls the compliance with the protocol procedures on the part of the foreign missions of the Republic of Belarus, and provides assistance on the questions of protocol character;
— coordinates via diplomatic channels the flights with the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus and other high officials of the Republic of Belarus aboard through the territories of foreign states, as well as the procedure of obtaining permissions to use the air space of the Republic of Belarus by the foreign aircraft performing special flights and flights of particular importance;
— coordinates the matters concerning the importation and exportation of the arms and radio station use by the officers of foreign security services on the territory of the Republic of Belarus while accompanying the guarded officials, as well as by the officers of the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus while accompanying the guarded officials of the Republic of Belarus abroad;
— coordinates via diplomatic channels the matters concerning the issuance of agreements to the ambassadors of the Republic of Belarus, exequaturs to the Heads of consulates of the Republic of Belarus, the appointment of defence attachés, military and air attachés in the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus;
— prepares the letters of credence and letters of recall for the ambassadors of the Republic of Belarus, consular patents for the heads of consulates of the Republic of Belarus and honorary consuls of the Republic of Belarus;
— coordinates together with the interested governmental bodies of the Republic of Belarus the matters concerning the issuance of agreements to the ambassadors, exequaturs to the heads of consulates and the accreditation of the defence attachés, military and air attachés of the diplomatic missions of foreign states;
— accredits the representatives of the diplomatic corps in the Republic of Belarus, the officers of international organizations in the Republic of Belarus as well as the members of their families and provides them with the corresponding documents;
— registers the guests of heads and officers of diplomatic missions, consulates and also officials of the international organizations in the Republic of Belarus;
— coordinates the registration of vehicles belonging to diplomatic missions, consulates and representations of international organizations by the responsible authorities in the Republic of Belarus;
— solves the issues of the observance of diplomatic privileges and immunities as well as of customs privileges of foreign diplomatic, administrative and technical workers.