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The Agrement Request

In accordance with Articles 4, 7 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961), the agrément should be requested for the person proposed to be accredited as the Head of Mission to the Republic of Belarus or as defence, naval or air attachés, their deputies and assistants, border and internal affairs authorities officers.

In accordance with Article 12 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963), the exequatur should be requested for the person proposed to be accredited as the head of a consular post (mission) in the Republic
of Belarus.

The agrément / exequatur request should be sent to the State Protocol Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the above-mentioned persons officially arrive in Belarus. The said request should include Note Verbale from the respective diplomatic mission / consular post, Curriculum Vitae (form).

When intended to accredit the Head of Mission / defence, naval or air attachés, their deputies and assistants, border and internal affairs authorities officers in the Republic of Belarus on non-residence basis, with residence in another state, it is expected to submit such requests to the Belarusian Side, as a rule, after issuance of the agrément by the state in which the residence of the future Head of Mission or of the member of the staff subject to receiving of agrément is located.

Once agrément has been given, the State Protocol Service will notify the sending state through the diplomatic channels.

Belarusian Diplomatic Missions abroad

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Azerbaijan - Baku (Embassy)
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President of the Republic of Belarus

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

Council of the Republic