Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on actions by Poland, Lithuania and Latvia to impose a full-scale visa regime vis-Б-vis Belarus
The Republic of Belarus took with deep concern the Poland's decision to dintegration processes on the European continent, the Republic of Belarus believes that no measures taken in this regard must entail the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe. In the opposite case there will be an inevitable and substantial decline in business, scientific and technical as well as cultural and family contacts between the citizens of Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Belarus.
Seeking to preserve and promote into the future the historically close and friendly relations with Latvia, Lithuania and Poland the Republic of Belarus calls upon the governments of these countries to refrain from inadequate decisions related to the cold war and the "iron curtain" legacy and detrimental to the concept of a stable and united Europe.
Proceeding from the urgency to resolve the emerging issues through a constructive dialogue, Belarus considers it necessary to have the actions by Poland, Lithuania and Latvia examined as to their compatibility with these countries' commitments within the OSCE. An equitable and open dialogue on this issue would raise the international standing of this pan-European organization and meet the interests of the peoples of its member states.