The Spokesman for Belarusian Foreign Affairs Ministry Comments on Forming of Belarus' Foreign Policies in Respect to NATO (press release by MFA press service)
Question of "BelTA":
How is the Belarusian Foreign Ministry going to realise the decisions adopted at the yesterday session of Security Council of Belarus in the part of forming of Belarus' foreign policies in respect to co-operation with NATO?
Answer of the spokesman for Belarusian Foreign Affairs Ministry Pavel Latushka:
Belarus should take into consideration new realities in Europe. We don't mean radical changes in Belarus' approach to its co-operation with NATO. The feature is that at the moment, we are working on a new policy aimed at ensuring that Belarus' relations with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are relations of partnership, not confrontation.
The western Belarusian frontier is already a border with the NATO, and we believe that it should not turn into a new separating line. This border should become a frontier of security and trust. Belarusian foreign policies concerning the NATO will be amended in the framework of this approach.
Our foreign policies will be determined by the multi-directions principle as earlier.
And we are going to actively implement the Individual program of partnership with NATO working in the framework of the Partnership for the Sake of Peace program and within the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.