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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus M.Ryzhenkov visits the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

31 January 2025


On January 31, 2025 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Maxim Ryzhenkov, met with the Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mikhael Miatlikov, and the management of the regional branches of the Chamber.

The parties discussed the main directions and forms of cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Belarusian organizations, focused on practical steps to strengthen the representation of Belarusian exporters in foreign markets.

During the meeting, the parties signed the joint action plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the foreign economic area in 2025.

MFA and BelCCI intend to jointly organize visits of Belarusian business circles abroad, participate in the work of intergovernmental commissions on trade and economic cooperation, develop the BelCCI representation abroad, strengthen cooperation on exhibition and fair activities, information, marketing and organizational support of the foreign economic sphere.

Commenting on the signing of the plan, Maxim Ryzhenkov stressed that the document would allow for a further systematic approach to the promotion of Belarusian exports, primarily to the markets of the "far arc" countries.

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