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Foreign Ministry comments on Lithuania closing two Belarus border crossings

21 August 2023


The decision of the Lithuanian side to temporarily close the border checkpoints Losha/Šumskas and Vidzy/Tverečius/ is based on far-fetched pretexts and dictated by a politically motivated desire to create obstacles for its own citizens, including those who regularly visit Belarus under the visa-free regime. 

Official Vilnius has long and unsuccessfully tried to prevent Lithuanians from travelling to our country, inventing non-existent threats in the Cold War spirit with one and only goal which is to hide the inconvenient truth about the situation in Belarus that stands in stark contrast to both Western propaganda and the situation in Lithuania itself.

It is obvious, that on the eve of the presidential election, the authorities of the neighbouring state are seriously concerned that their citizens will see for themselves that Belarus is safe and comfortable, that despite the illegal sanctions, enterprises are working steadily, the economy is growing, there is high-quality and affordable medicine, a wide range of goods and food products.

Belarus will respond to this step of Lithuania calmly, responsibly and pragmatically, including in the interests of the residents of neighbouring countries. At the moment there are no plans to change the visa-free regime even despite the increasing load on the remaining border crossing points.

We urge the Lithuanian side to give up the practice of creating artificial barriers for citizens and business representatives not only from Belarus and Lithuania but EU in general.

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