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Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus S.Aleinik at the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (January 19, 2024, Kampala, Uganda)

19 January 2024

Distinguished Delegates,

It is a great pleasure for me to attend the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and deliver a statement on behalf of the Republic of Belarus. 

During the last four, tough enough, years Azerbaijan effectively steered the Non-Aligned Movement. In this regard on behalf of Belarus I would like to express our gratitude to Azerbaijan for the enormous efforts in the leadership as the Chair of NAM.

We also welcome and congratulate Uganda on its Presidency in NAM for next period of time. We wish Uganda as the new NAM Chair and His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, in particular, every success in this honourable and responsible mission.

The current situation in the world leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, the world becomes neither safer nor more predictable. 

We get together today on the background of serious rise of political tension and extreme polarization of countries’ policies.

We witness unprecedented number of armed conflicts.

Consistent tendency to a country-specific discrimination on a political basis and interference of some self-proclaimed democracies into domestic affairs of other sovereign states give a negative impact on multilateral mechanisms for international peace and security, human rights and development.

Existing different barriers to international trade, in particular, unilateral coercive measures (UCMs), leading to uncertainty in the global economy, continue jeopardizing economic growth and sustainable development.

In the midst of growing challenges, there is a clear shift of global landscape to a truly multipolar world. And the Non-Aligned Movement is deemed to play a leading role in this process. The major task of the Non-Aligned Movement is to strengthen this tendency and stand at the center of multilateral efforts in responding to global challenges.

From its inception, the Non-Aligned Movement was a driving force in protecting and promoting multilateralism, equality and solidarity. 

The Non-Aligned Movement remains one of the most influential and numerous associations today. We make the right decisions, which are envisaged properly into the final documents of the NAM meetings. But let us be honest! Do all our deeds follow our decisions? I think that you will all agree with me that there is room to build up our unifying agenda. NAM is us. Therefore, it is us, it is within our power to stand with a united front in protecting the values that lead to peaceful settlement of conflicts and sustainable development.

NAM managed to implement a large number of significant joint initiatives aiming at perfecting cooperation in the United Nations, including revitalization of the work of the UN General Assembly, as well as reform of the institution-building of the Human Rights Council.

We commend the efforts of the Non-Aligned Movement in the United Nations aiming at promoting unconditional elimination of any illegal UCMs. They have a strong negative impact on the achieving 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and hinder the global progress to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in time. In this regard NAM should have a stronger voice in the UN on the topic of UCMs in order to prohibit the use of illegal unilateral coercive measures in bilateral relations, as well as on other emerging challenges of today.

It’s a matter of priority to maintain global security in the zone of responsibility of NAM in the new realities through nurturing regional security. Belarus undertook the first step to this end. 

We conducted the International High-Level Conference “Eurasian Security: Reality and Prospects in a Transforming World”, held in Minsk in October last year. We hope that the conference will be an inherent link in the chain of global efforts to shape a stable security architecture and a new world order based on the principles of justice, equity and indivisibility of security. We are ready to stand together in furthering this issue.
It’s high time to think about what NAM can offer to the world today to make it a better and more comfortable place.

First of all, Belarus believes that NAM should become a reliable shield for its members. Today, in the current circumstances, more than ever before the Non-Aligned Movement should be more vocal in mutual support to its members to combat emerging global challenges, restoring peace and enhancing sustainable development.
Second. NAM should demonstrate more ability to promote its priorities in the international organizations and in the United Nations, in particular. 

We as NAM countries need to bring back to life all multilateral mechanisms of preserving international peace and security, protecting independence of sovereign states.

Third. NAM also should be capable in finding compromises among its members and strengthening dialogues, as well as making bridges with the rest of the world, including with the collective West. We’ll have to reconcile our divergences in politics after all. In this regard we would like to recall the Belarusian initiative to launch as soon as possible a comprehensive genuine dialogue in the spirit of San Francisco, which we won’t escape any way.

Forth. NAM should develop cooperation between its members on the basis of economic pragmatism.

Let the Non-Aligned Movement be a vivid example of building a fair, safe and sustainable world, based on true multilateralism.

Distinguished Colleagues and friends,

Belarus joined the Non-Aligned Movement in 1998. Throughout 26 years of its membership in NAM Belarus has been striving to be an active and reliable partner. Belarus put forward a number of unifying and constructive initiatives in NAM. We are well-known for our initiatives on combatting trafficking in persons and promotion of the family issues, as well as sustainable development of the middle-income countries. We stand for the sovereign right of states to freely determine their own path of progressive development. 

Belarus also would like to share its economic potential. I am convinced that the last year clearly demonstrated for many occasions tangible support of Belarus to the countries of the Global South.

Belarus is not only one of the major producers of potassium fertilizers in the world. Belarus is famous for its IT-sphere and advanced technologies in industry, as well as city planning. Agriculture is another brand of Belarusian economy, which can contribute to global hunger eradication efforts. 

Belarus is ready to develop bilateral and multilateral long-term economic projects for the mutual benefit of our countries. 

Let us keep our doors wide open to each other and the Non-Aligned Movement will get a new opportunity to better recognize its members and enrich them.

I thank you.

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