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Belarus' Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites the EU Chargé d'Affaires

12 August 2024


On August 12, 2024 the Charge d'Affaires of the European Union to the Republic of Belarus, Steen Noerlov, was invited to the Foreign Ministry.

In connection with the violation of Belarusian airspace on August 9, 2024 by Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, the European diplomat was informed on the stance of the Belarusian side on this issue. The markings of EU manufacturers on a number of elements of one of the drones shot down by Belarusian air defence forces was particularly noted.

It was emphasised that such actions have the potential for a radical escalation of the military conflict, which can lead to its spread, including to the EU countries.

Belarus, which has always been in favour of a peaceful settlement of the crisis by negotiations, calls on the European Union to take all possible measures to influence the Ukrainian leadership in order to prevent such actions in the future.

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