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Foreign Ministry Spokesman A.Glaz answers the media question about the reaction of the Belarusian side to the statement of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine demanding ‘to withdraw Belarusian troops from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border’

26 August 2024


Will there be any reaction to the statement of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine demanding ‘to withdraw Belarusian troops from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border’?

Today many people are asking - what was it? And for what purpose? We have no answers to these questions. They should definitely be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Officially, we do not have any such messages from the Ukrainian side in any form. We have only seen this statement on the Internet. You know, there is plenty of stuff there. So we ourselves would be grateful if someone could explain to us the logic behind such statements. In our opinion, it is quite convoluted. 

Thus, the Ukrainian leadership launches combat drones through the territory of Belarus, and a week later on the website of its Foreign Ministry is surprised at the actions of our armed forces, performing tasks to ensure the security of the territory of Belarus and our citizens. As far as we are concerned, everything is logical here. Especially if we take into account the constant provocations on the border from the Ukrainian side, the deployment of a group of troops of more than 100 thousand people, sending terrorists to Belarus, supplying and financing them, mining of the border territory and many other things. However, of course, that this is within the classical logic. We do not know what logic the Ukrainian side is guided by.

Perhaps there is some kind of a cunning game here, designed for internal use or to receive applause from the West.  However, the main thing in such a game is not to outsmart oneself.

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