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Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Y.Ambrazevich takes part in the sixth meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council on International Law

24 June 2022


On June 24, 2022 the sixth meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council on International Law was held under the chair of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Yuri Ambrazevich. The meeting was attended by members of the Council, representatives of state bodies, professors, lecturers of international law from the capital and regional universities.



In the course of the event, topical issues of international law were considered.

The UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, Professor Alena Douhan presented a report on the consequences of unilateral sanctions for the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Representatives of the General Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the novelties in the Law of Treaties, outlined possible approaches to improve the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, which regulates the procedure of treaty conclusion.

Foreign Ministry specialists also informed the participants of the meeting about the current areas of work of the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

A key place during the meeting was occupied by a general discussion on improving and coordinating educational and research work in the field of international law in order to facilitate the solution of the issues of state foreign policy and foreign economic activity, enhance the quality of training in this area for all lawyers of the republic. The ways of increasing interest in international law in Belarus, stimulating its research, mechanisms for encouraging students and young scientists engaged in scientific developments in the field of international law on topics relevant to the Belarusian state were considered.

As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to prepare a two-years working plan of the Council, which should contribute to more systematic cooperation between the Belarusian state bodies and academic circles on international legal issues.


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