Launch of the Correspondent Office in the Republic of Belarus
A Correspondent Office of a foreign mass media may be set up in the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure of the Launch of the Foreign Mass Media Correspondent Office and the Consolidated List of Administrative Procedures, performed by the governmental bodies and other institutions in regard to the legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs, approved by the decision № 156 of 17.02.2012 of the Council of Ministers.
A decision on the launch of the foreign mass media Correspondent Office is taken by the Council of Ministers.
To obtain permission to set up a Correspondent Office, the head of the foreign mass media organization shall send to the Council of Ministers a written request on the official letterhead of the mass media organization.
The letter shall be sent via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic or Consular Offices of Belarus in the relevant country.
The Request must contain the following information:
♦ Purposes of the launch of the Correspondent Office;
♦ Full title of the foreign mass media organization;
♦ Location and postal address of the editorial office of the foreign mass media organization or the legal entity that is authorized to act as the editorial office of the foreign mass media organization;
♦ Date of the governmental registration of the foreign mass media organization;
♦ Information on where and when, as well as by whom, the foreign mass media organization was established, and its ownership form;
♦ Specialization, circulation and frequency of the foreign mass media organization output;
♦ An estimated location of the correspondent office in Belarus;
♦ Information on people authorized to conduct business on behalf of the Correspondent Office.
The following documents must be attached to the Request:
♦ Code of Practices applicable in the Correspondent Office;
♦ Copies of the documents confirming the governmental registration of the foreign mass media organization.
The Request and the Code of Practices should be submitted in one of the official languages of the Republic of Belarus.
A decision on the launch of the Correspondent Office is taken by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The Correspondent Office shall be set up within six months after the decision was made by the Council of Ministers.
Within 10 days after the launch of the Correspondent Office, samples of the stamp of the Correspondent Office, as well as information on its location, postal address, telephone, fax and the bank account numbers must be presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In the event of failure of the foreign mass media organization to exercise the right to set up the Correspondent Office within six months from the date the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus took the relevant decision, the Correspondent Office Certificate becomes invalid.
To prolong the Correspondent Office Certificate, the head of the foreign mass media organization shall, not later than two months before the expiry of the Certificate, send a letter to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter must contain the Request for the renewal of the Certificate, the Code of Practices and copies of the documents confirming the governmental registration of the foreign mass media organization.
A decision on the renewal of the Correspondent Office Certificate shall be taken by the Council of Ministers within two months from the date of the application's receipt.
The MFA press service contact details are as follows: vul. Lienina, 19, 220030, Minsk; tel. (+375 17) 3275154; fax (+375 17) 2104251; e-mail: