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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus A.Dapkiunas participates in seminars in China

22 August 2018


On August 20 – 29, 2018 a group of Belarusian senior officials headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Andrei Dapkiunas, visits Beijing and Shanghai to participate in the seminars for senior officials to consider the economic development and modern reforms in China. The seminars are organized by the Ministry of Commerce of China.

In Beijing, the group will discuss the issues of financial market regulation and China's modern financial system development in the Ministry of  Finance of China. Belarusian officials will also learn about the Chinese social security system during the seminars in the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of China, as well as will get acquainted with the work of the largest Chinese corporations such as “The China Tourism Group Corporation” and “Alibaba Group”.

The group will also visit Shanghai free trade zone to discover the experience of China in the investment field. In Shanghai Belarusian senior officials will learn about the sphere of urban planning and architecture in China.

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