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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus O.Kravchenko visits U.S.

12 July 2018


On July 9-11, 2018 the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Oleg Kravchenko, visited the United States of America.

O.Kravchenko held a meeting with the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Wess Mitchell. The parties discussed Belarus-U.S. cooperation development and regional situation.

O.Kravchenko also met with the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Jorgan Andrews.

German Marshall Fund of the United States hosted the conference “The Changing Landscape of U.S.-Belarus Relations” with O.Kravchenko and J.Andrews being keynote speakers.

The event was attended by representatives of the U.S. Department of State, several leading American think tanks, media and NGOs, foreign Embassies in the U.S. High ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus and the U.S. Department of State presented approaches of Minsk and Washington to Belarus-U.S. relations and prospects for their development, to the situation in international relations in regional and global context, answered numerous questions of the conference participants.

During the visit, the Deputy Minister held meetings with the State Department Senior Advisor at the U.S. Helsinki Commission, Scott Rauland, the President of the Jamestown Foundation, Glenn Howard, the Senior Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, Michael Carpenter, the Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, Mark Levin.

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