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Foreign diplomats visit a military unit

20 October 2018


On October 20, 2018 at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, the Heads of diplomatic missions, representatives of international organizations accredited in our country visited the 120th Independent Guards Mechanized Brigade.

The event was held as part of a series of informal meetings, the purpose of which is to familiarize foreign diplomats with various spheres of our country's life. Previously, during the rally “Diplomats for Security”, foreign guests were received at the Republican Alpine Ski Center “Silichi”. Over the past years in a similar format they got acquainted with industrial, cultural, sports and tourist potential of the Belarusian state.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus,Vladimir Makei, representatives of the country's military and foreign services also attended the meeting.

The visitors familiarized with the history, structure and tasks of the brigade, the specifics of the training process for anti-aircraft gunners, artillerymen, specialists in the field of radiation, chemical and biological protection. Samples of small arms and equipment of a military unit were presented to the diplomats.

Addressing the guests, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant General, Andrei Ravkov, noted that the Belarusian army is as open as possible to the public, including the world community. The head of the Ministry of Defense presented current state and prospects for the development of the Armed Forces of Belarus, the new armament entering the Belarusian army.

Vladimir Makei stressed that Belarus has never been and never will be a source of conflict. The Minister noted that our country attaches special importance to ensuring transparency in the military sphere, as one of the conditions for strengthening regional stability and security.

During the event, the guests also visited the “Uruchye” training ground, where they got acquainted with the course of fire training sessions, witnessed a tactical episode drill.

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