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Permanent Representative of Belarus A.Dapkiunas speaks at the UN Security Council meeting

31 October 2016


On October 28, 2016 the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the UN, Andrei Dapkiunas, took part in a special session of the United Nations Security Council on cooperation with Collective Security Treaty Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States and Shanghai Cooperation Organization as regional bodies in maintaining international peace and security. Security Council members, the states parties of the three regional organizations, leadership of the UN, CSTO, CIS and SCO Secretariats discussed prospects for joint cooperation.

Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN made a statement on behalf of the CSTO member states outlining main approaches to building partnership between the UN and the CSTO.

Belarusian representative noted that the CSTO versatility allows for practical cooperation with the UN in many areas, including peacekeeping, fighting against terrorism and drug trafficking, disaster management, countering human trafficking and illegal migration.

During the presidency of Belarus in the CSTO, member states of this organisation are planning to initiate a number of joint meetings and events with the United Nations on the most topical international issues. Based on their belief in the indivisibility of peace, security and progressive sustainable development, Belarus and other CSTO countries will contribute to the collective work of international organisations to promote peace and security.

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