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Press Secretary Andrei Savinykh comments on the introduction of measures to reciprocate EU and US sanctions towards Belarus

22 March 2011

As was made known earlier, the Republic of Belarus has put in place measures which are to reciprocate the EU and US sanctions.

The Belarusian side has drafted a list of persons banned to enter our country. The list includes persons who undertake destructive actions against Belarus and damage international co-operation.
More control is introduced over illicit funding of political activities in the territory of Belarus through foreign public and political associations and trusts as well as their branches.
Belarus will stay in touch with the Western partners. However, European and American political delegations will visit our country where invited by a Belarus body of legislative or executive power.
The Republic of Belarus reserves the right to bring in retaliatory restrictive measures to reciprocate any other EU and US actions.
However, the Republic of Belarus remains open to the resumption of constructive dialogue and interaction.

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