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First Deputy Minister S.Lukashevich meets the Honorary Consul of Belarus in Ethiopia

17 September 2024


On September 17, 2024 the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Sergey Lukashevich, held a meeting with the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Davit Zeude Khayle Selassie.

During the conversation, the parties discussed the ways of strengthening contacts between Belarus and Ethiopia, cooperation in the trade and economic sphere and implementation of joint projects in the field of culture and education. 

The Honorary Consul was focused on continuing his effective work to protect the interests and assist Belarusian citizens and legal entities.

On behalf of the Head of the Foreign Ministry, S.Lukashevich presented D.Selassie with the honorary badge “100 years of diplomatic service of Belarus,” which he was awarded for his significant contribution to the development of Belarusian-Ethiopian relations.

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