President of Belarus Takes Part in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Liberation of Ukraine
28 October 2004On October 27 the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko together with presidents of Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the memorial complex “Park of Glory” in Kiev.
In the evening the presidents attended a festive gala concert in Kiev. At the opening ceremony President of Ukraine made a speech. He noted, that sixty-nine Belarusians hade been conferred the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for liberation of Ukraine.
According to Leonid Kuchma, the Belarusians contributed their share in the formation and organization of the partisan movement in the Ukraine.
The Ukrainian leader thanked the guests from the Commonwealth of Independent States for their coming to “attend the common celebration of Ukraine’s liberation”. “It is our peoples, united by one high goal, who played a crucial role in saving the humanity from the Nazism. Ukraine will always see those who fought for its freedom during the war as its children, wherever they are and whatever country they belong. No national, no world victory was possible without a Union of brothers-in-arms of various nationalities. And no stability in the world is possible without sincere friendship of peoples”, stressed President of Ukraine.