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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus on the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the United States of America

28 December 2016


Today the Republic of Belarus celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States of America.

On December 28, 1991 Belarusian and American sides through an exchange of notes agreed to establish diplomatic relations with permanent missions. In 1992 Embassies of the two countries were opened in Minsk and Washington.

The United States became the second nation that following recognition of the Belarusian sovereignty proposed to the young Belarusian state to establish full diplomatic relations and conduct exchange of Ambassadors.

For the quarter of a century the relations between Belarus and the U.S. have treaded an uneasy path of formation and development. Their history witnessed ups and downs, cooperation and discord, mutual expectations and disappointments. Our countries still have unresolved questions, some of them fundamental.

Yet it is symbolic that the jubilee of the establishment of Belarus – U.S. diplomatic relations falls to the period of stepwise normalization of bilateral relations, restoration of confidence and dialogue on a wide range of topics from economy and investment to military cooperation, culture and heritage preservation, development of democratic institutions and strengthening cooperation in science and technology.

There is much more that unites Belarus and the United States than divides us. Diplomatic relations between our countries just turned twenty five, but historical and cultural ties between our nations are going way back for hundreds of years. Mindful of that, we remain fully confident that by fostering sincere, considerate and equitable ties Belarus and the United States will succeed in getting their bilateral relations on a level highway of sustainable development.

Even in the most difficult times, our nations have been cooperating on matters that have decidedly significant impact on security and well-being of the entire international community. In 1991, proposing to establish diplomatic relations with Belarus the American side underlined the role our country played in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, and it consistently supports Belarus’s independence nowadays. As 25 years ago, today Belarus is acting as a donor of international security taking active part in peaceful settlement of multilateral conflicts which, unfortunately, haven’t avoid our part of the world.

On the occasion of the important for diplomatic relations date we express our sincere hope that the started process of gradual improvement of Belarus – United States relations will not only facilitate further cooperation between our countries but also become a factor contributing to normalization of international situation and strengthening of regional security in Eastern Europe.

русская версия   беларуская версія

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