The adoption of the law on BelNPP by the Lithuanian Parliament is nothing but another unfriendly act by a neighboring country.
It is also evident for us that the Parliament is not an expert organization that could provide an objective evaluation of the safety of nuclear power facilities.
The Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant is a modern high-tech project implemented in compliance with international safety standards.
The recent steps taken by Lithuania reflect the logic of the absurd that, unfortunately, underlies Lithuania's actions towards the BelNPP. The Lithuanian side uses all methods: from groundless claims that the plant under construction is unsafe, which contradicts the conclusions of the IAEA missions, to dissemination of distorted interpretations of the assessments by international agencies.
We believe that these actions are aimed at diverting the attention from Lithuania's own strategic missteps in the energy sector, as well as from the problems associated with the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant.