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Ambassador of Mexico presents copies of the Credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus S.Aleinik

13 June 2023


On June 13, 2023 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Sergei Aleinik, received copies of the Credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to the Republic of Belarus, Eduardo Villegas Megías.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state and prospects for the development of the Belarusian-Mexican dialogue on a wide range of issues, including political and inter-parliamentary cooperation, confirmed mutual interest in updating the bilateral agenda and filling it with a qualitatively new content. The sides noted the need for consistent development of the legal framework of bilateral relations.

Special attention was paid to the promotion of trade and economic cooperation with an emphasis on such areas as agriculture, industry, information technology, healthcare.

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