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Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Y.Ambrazevich participates in the solemn ceremony of stamp cancellation

17 September 2024


On September 16, 2024 the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier in Grodno hosted the solemn ceremony of the stamp cancellation. The stamp was issued within the framework of the joint Belarusian-Vatican postal project on the theme ‘Icon Painting’ with the image of the Miraculous Icon of the Student Mother of God.

With the joint issue of the postage stamp Belarus and the Vatican symbolically confirmed their cooperation and closeness of views on the issues of universal human values, including in the sphere of international relations. 

Background: The project of the postage stamp ‘’The Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God Student in Grodno‘’, timed to the 360th anniversary of the icon's location in Grodno region, was prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Information, R Belarusian Post Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vatican Post Office and the Apostolic Nunciature in the Republic of Belarus. 

The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yuri Ambrazevich, Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Ante Jozic, Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatisation Anna Ryabova, Bishop of Grodno Alexander Kashkevich, Chairperson of the Catholic Episcopate Archbishop Jozef Staniewski, as well as representatives of regional and city authorities, the public, religious organisations of other confessions.

In his statement, Yuri Ambrazevich noted the open and trusting nature of the Belarusian-Vatican relations, the closeness of the positions of the leaders of Minsk and the Vatican on the most pressing issues of the present day, the fruitfulness of many years of joint work on a wide range of issues both on the bilateral track and on the platforms of international organisations. 

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